Frequency to Analogue conveter

Frequency to analogue converter 
Wide range of pulse input signals excepted
0.25 - 10 kHz
Supplied in an ABS IP65 box or DIN Rail version
  • £176.40
  • £211.68 inc VAT


  • SKU

The BF024 PRC is a frequency to current converter designed to accept a pulse input from a flow meter and produce a proportional 4-20mA output. The BF024 can be linked to most flow meters or other frequency generating devices. Reed switch, Open collector, 5mV coil, TTL pulse

8 - 30V DC Powered
Input pulse type - reed switch*, Open collector, 5mV coil, or TTL pulse
Supplied in an IP65 ABS box. 80x80x52mm or DIN Rail version

*The reed switch inputs incorporates filtering to prevent false signals from contact bounce.
Output option to be specified at time of ordering: 4-20mA(standard), 0-20mA or 0-10V DC
