MAG 8000W
The MAG 8000 is an economical solution for metering water in remote locations when high accuracy and long service intervals are a must.
The standard meters are battery powered, which provides flexibility and savings to the installation.
Maintenance costs are kept very low due to having a 6 year battery life (other options are available).
MAG 8000 complies with the OIML R49 and European CEN EN 14154 water meter standard and is specially engineered for stand-alone water applications:
Abstraction - Monitor water collection and avoid draining
Distribution network - Optimise water supply and reduce leakage
Revenue metering - Provide correct billing and monitoring of consumption (MCERTS Approved).
Flexible power supply makes it useful for leak detection (see BREEAM water leak detection regulations)
Irrigation - Ensure long-term performance for optimal ownership
MAG 8000 is optimised for leakage detection and is often used for accurate billing. The integrated datalogger can be twinned with the use of a selectable alarm to signal too-high or too-low flow.
Installation is easy - there is a simple sensor that needs to be bolted in place before operation. There is no need for mains power and the flowmeter comes complete with a compact or remote transmitter with factory mounted cable .
The MAG 8000 is built to withstand environmental influence and as the enclosure is IP 68 / NEMA 6P, it is robust and can be buried and flooded without damage to the flow meter.
It has no moving parts to wear or clog, so the MAG 8000 is resistant to solids and debris in the fluid (ideal for Irrigation). There will be no need for regular maintenance.